Nowadays changing job is much easier and more common than it was just a few years ago. People are looking for better conditions and opportunities which is understandable. The high rate of job seekers means that you need to be prepared to upgrade your recruitment skills. Successful recruitment is based on a few specific conditions. Unfortunately in some cases, those are missed due to the lack of knowledge, lack of funds, or simply laziness of the recruiters. That is why it is not that unusual to see a newly hired employee say or being said goodbye just after a few days because he is not really right for the position. We are not going to talk about soft skills like empathy, because you should already have the skills to recruit properly skill-wise. We are going to tell you how to get through the whole process more efficiently.
Do you really know what you want?
Most recruiters do not. That is the most important issue that we think occurs in most of the job offers. The list of expectations is an essay, and in most cases, it is impossible to fulfill all the conditions. It is really important to have a very specific job description before you even start the process. You should state the skills, knowledge, and interpersonal skills suitable for the position. Be realistic about it though! If you are looking for a junior position do not require a lot of experience. Still, I see that happen quite a lot.
Do you have enough resources?
Recruitment is not as quick and simple as many imagine it is. It takes a lot of time to get through the whole process. That itself is a big issue. Most companies do not have very large Human Resources departments. Sometimes it is just a single person who is handling payroll, HR tasks, and recruitment. Still, that person needs to deliver results. If there are multiple recruitments open and the amount of actions is too big for the HR team to take care of, hiring or rather outsourcing the whole recruitment process might be the best option. Remember that the level and volume of the whole process will be the equivalent of the quality of employees you are going to hire. The more resources you dedicate the better outcome you will receive.
Have you planned everything?
It might sound silly, but not everyone has a plan before they start recruitment. It might really speed up the whole process. Get your calendar and set everything up. You should plan when you are going to start and finish the actions such as writing copy for the job offer on website/social media platforms, doing the job interviews, and finally choosing the right candidate. Of course, you should give yourself some freedom in these actions, but try to meet the deadlines, and everything will be easier. Keep in mind that the whole process does not have to be successful the first time you will do it. It might take time to repeat the whole process if the candidates will not fit into the organization.
Do you have the right tools?
At this point, it is all about efficiency. The way you can make everything faster and easier is by using the right tools. The first one that comes to our mind is of course the job offer website such as Glassdoor or Indeed, and your company’s social media profiles. Nowadays these are pretty much a necessity. Without this part of the process, no one will even know that you are recruiting. The most important thing is an HCM system. It will let you keep records of potential employees with their resumes, all the info, and your notes about them in one place. It goes without saying how much easier your job will be with this system. You will be able to access the list from every device you wish, segregate it, and get out the data you need. MintHCM’s Recruitment Feature is everything you need in order to get through the process efficiently. It contains a couple of separate, extended modules, such as:
- Positions -a syllabus of job positions in the organization. It allows to preserve a transparent organizational structure and keep a comprehensive catalog of job descriptions.
- Recruitments -aggregated information about planned, ongoing and former admissions. Each record has its own name, description, expiration date, estimated salary, and status.
- Candidatures -it shows you where the candidate found the offer what are the financial expectations of the candidate, what type of agreement applies, what score the applicant received in the context of the specific candidature.
- Candidates -this module contains personal information about the people who are interested in job openings at the company. That is the place where you can attach documents, resumes, motivational letters, references, etc.
- Employees -the final stage of the successful recruitment process. It is a place where all the personal data about the new staff member is stored. A candidate converts into an employee automatically.

Am I fast enough?
This is something that is really undervalued. Time. It matters not only from the recruiter’s perspective but also from the recruited’s. Firstly, you have to act as fast as you can to get everything done, because the longer it takes, the more money it costs. Which is kind of obvious. You have to keep in mind that the long process is not very candidate-friendly, especially with top-notch candidates. Put yourself in their position. If one is looking for a job and company “A” gets back to them with an offer and your company takes more time it is clear that they are going to choose the first one. In today’s world, nobody has time to wait for you to make up your mind. Think fast and act even faster!
Stay up to date!
That is really the point that sums up everything that has been said before. Update your knowledge and skills. That is the only way to be the greatest recruiter you can be. Read, listen and watch as much as you can in this area and trust me you will see the effects.
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